Formulas (and other language objects) can be manipulated to some
extent like lists (see the R Language Definition). A formula
corresponds to a 3-element list, where the first argument is the
function `~`, and the next two are the LHS and RHS of the formula,
respectively (for unary use of ~, the list is 2 elements; `~` and the
single argument).
as.list(y ~ x)
The following function would apply the function "trans" to the
response of a formula "form".
addTransform <- function(form, trans) {
stopifnot(inherits(form, "formula"),
deparse(form[[1]]) == "~",
form[[2]] <- as.call(list(substitute(trans), form[[2]]))
addTransform(y ~ x, sqrt)
## Testing this:
x <- 3*runif(20)
y <- sqrt(x*(2 + rnorm(20, sd=.1)))
f <- addTransform(y ~ x, sqrt)
lm(f) # Not a very informative call statement from lm()
lm(addTransform(y ~ x, sqrt)) # Slightly better call statement
do.call("lm", list(f)) # Matches appearence of the call below:
lm(sqrt(y) ~ x)
On 4/21/05, rlee@fpcc.net <rlee@fpcc.net> wrote:> I'm trying to manipulate/change a formula prior to passing it to
> function. A simplified example:
> User passes formula to my function: y~x
> My function does: lm(transform(y)~x)
> Here, transform() is added to the model's response.
> What is the best way to accomplish this?
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Rich FitzJohn
rich.fitzjohn <at> gmail.com |
You are in a maze of twisty little functions, all alike