Dear useRs and developeRs, the next issue of `R News' is scheduled for the beginning of May and we are now accepting submissions for this first issue in 2005. For more information see If you are the author of a package on CRAN and you would like to promote it a little bit, or if you simply have an interesting application using R, we hope you can find some time to write a short article on it. We suggest that it be approximately 3 pages or less. The idea of the newsletter is that it be interesting to R users without being too technical. For example an article describing a package could begin by briefly outlining the statistical background and go on to demonstrate the usage on some typical data set. Of course graphics are more than welcome! Bill Venables <Bill.Venables at> is also encouraging submissions to the more specialist Programmer's Niche column. In this case the technical level could be a little higher, of course, but not necessarily: ingeniousness is the key. The R Help Desk column is intended to present answers to frequently asked questions as well as tricks that are useful to the majority of useRs. Please send submissions to Uwe Ligges <Uwe.Ligges at>. The deadline for submissions is April, 10th, 2005 Keep the contributions rolling in! The Editorial Board, Doug Bates, Paul Murrell and Torsten Hothorn
Dear useRs and developeRs, the next issue of `R News' is scheduled for the beginning of May and we are now accepting submissions for this first issue in 2005. For more information see If you are the author of a package on CRAN and you would like to promote it a little bit, or if you simply have an interesting application using R, we hope you can find some time to write a short article on it. We suggest that it be approximately 3 pages or less. The idea of the newsletter is that it be interesting to R users without being too technical. For example an article describing a package could begin by briefly outlining the statistical background and go on to demonstrate the usage on some typical data set. Of course graphics are more than welcome! Bill Venables <> is also encouraging submissions to the more specialist Programmer's Niche column. In this case the technical level could be a little higher, of course, but not necessarily: ingeniousness is the key. The R Help Desk column is intended to present answers to frequently asked questions as well as tricks that are useful to the majority of useRs. Please send submissions to Uwe Ligges <>. The deadline for submissions is April, 10th, 2005 Keep the contributions rolling in! The Editorial Board, Doug Bates, Paul Murrell and Torsten Hothorn
Dear useRs and developeRs, the next issue of `R News' is scheduled for the beginning of May and we are now accepting submissions for this first issue in 2005. For more information see If you are the author of a package on CRAN and you would like to promote it a little bit, or if you simply have an interesting application using R, we hope you can find some time to write a short article on it. We suggest that it be approximately 3 pages or less. The idea of the newsletter is that it be interesting to R users without being too technical. For example an article describing a package could begin by briefly outlining the statistical background and go on to demonstrate the usage on some typical data set. Of course graphics are more than welcome! Bill Venables <> is also encouraging submissions to the more specialist Programmer's Niche column. In this case the technical level could be a little higher, of course, but not necessarily: ingeniousness is the key. The R Help Desk column is intended to present answers to frequently asked questions as well as tricks that are useful to the majority of useRs. Please send submissions to Uwe Ligges <>. The deadline for submissions is April, 10th, 2005 Keep the contributions rolling in! The Editorial Board, Doug Bates, Paul Murrell and Torsten Hothorn