Please give a _reproducible_ example on the current version of R (2.0.0).
It works fine for me using the example in ?ppr:
> rock.ppr <- ppr(log(perm) ~ area1 + peri1 + shape,
+ data = rock, nterms = 2, max.terms = 5,
optlevel=0)> rock.ppr
> rock.ppr <- ppr(log(perm) ~ area1 + peri1 + shape,
+ data = rock, nterms = 2, max.terms = 5, optlevel=0)
Neither of the above crashes, nor gave any error.
WinXP Pro with R-2.0.0.
> From:
> Just ro report an error:
> I am using R 1.9.1, OS: XP professional
> I am testing ppr for different parameters. It is everything
> ok except when
> optlevel=0. That happen for the methods supsmu and gcvspline,
> the ones I have
> tested. For optlevel = 1:3 it works ok.
> Jo?o Moreira
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