(R1.9.1 Windows) In legend( ) lwd have no effect on points - contrary to the behaviour in e.g. plot( ) and points( ). It would be nice to have an option pt.lwd affecting the line width of legend points (like pt.cex changes the magnification). An example (note the difference in line width between points in the plot and the legend): x <- 1:10 ; y <- rnorm(10,10,5) ; y2 <- rnorm(10,8,4) plot(x,y,bty="l",lwd=3,type="o",col=2,ylim=c(min(y,y2),max(y,y2)),cex=1.5) points(x,y2,lwd=3,lty=8,col=4,type="o",pch=2,cex=1.5) legend(10,max(y,y2),legend=c("Method 1","Method 2"),col=c(2,4),lty=c(1,8),pch=c(1,2), xjust=1,yjust=1,pt.cex=1.5,lwd=3) Workaround (thanks to Peter Dalgaard): x <- 1:10 ; y <- rnorm(10,10,5) ; y2 <- rnorm(10,8,4) plot(x,y,bty="l",lwd=3,type="o",col=2,ylim=c(min(y,y2),max(y,y2)),cex=1.5) points(x,y2,lwd=3,lty=8,col=4,type="o",pch=2,cex=1.5) legend(10,max(y,y2),legend=c("Method 1","Method 2"),col=c(0,0),lty=c(1,8),pch=c(1,2), xjust=1,yjust=1,pt.cex=1.5,lwd=0,text.col=0) pp <- par(lwd=3) legend(10,max(y,y2),legend=c("Method 1","Method 2"), col=c(2,4),lty=c(1,8),pch=c(1,2), xjust=1,yjust=1,pt.cex=1.5,lwd=3,bty="n") par(pp) -- Leslie Foldager Cand.scient., Statistiker Afdeling for Psykiatrisk Demografi Tlf.: (+45) 7789 2865 Email: lfo@psykiatri.aaa.dk Web: www.psychdem.dk