Hi, I am writing a package that provides an interface to other uniform random number generators. It uses RNGkind(kind="user-supplied") and a function double *user_unif_rand() as described in the help page "Random.user". When looking into CRAN I found three other packages that provide such a function in the DLL that they contribute: rlecuyer, rsprng, and SuppDists (where it is currently disabled). When loading two of thes then the functionality of at least one these packages is affected. Moreover, a user cannot add his own random number generator. Probably this is not a problem at all and will not become a problem. Nevertheless, ... Is it possible and desired to add the optinional argument PACKAGE to RNGkind similarly to the .Call() function i.e. to have RNGkind(kind="user-supplied", PACKAGE="mypackage") ? When looking at the sources I think it should be straight forward by extending typedef struct { RNGtype kind; N01type Nkind; char *name; /* print name */ int n_seed; /* length of seed vector */ Int32 *i_seed; char *package; /* <-- added */ } RNGTAB; and changing the corresponding calls in src/main/RNG.c. If the anser is yes, maybe I could try to provide a patch for RNG.c. The only thing I do not fully understand are the entries in ./src/main/names.c (but I have not studied the syntax of this file in detail). Josef -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Josef Leydold | University of Economics and Business Administration | Department for Applied Statistics and Data Processing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Augasse 2-6 | Tel. *43/1/31336-4695 A-1090 Vienna | FAX *43/1/31336-738 European Union | email Josef.Leydold@statistik.wu-wien.ac.at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alles Unglueck kam daher, dass die Denkenden nicht mehr handeln konnten, und die Handelnden keine Zeit mehr fanden zu denken. (Marlen Haushofer)