2004-Apr-13 18:27 UTC
[Rd] Wishlist - Windows Gui keyboard select (PR#6762)
Full_Name: Robert Baer Version: 1.9.0 OS: Windows 2002 Submission from: (NULL) ( In a command line interface like R, keyboard selection for copying is more "natural" than mouse selecting. I would WISH that Shift-arrow key could be used to select R commands for cutting and pasting command text. In most Windows programs/Editors, holding down shift and using the "arrow keys" selects/deselects text from the inital cursor postion in the dirction of the arrow key pressed "left, right, up, down". It would be nice if R Windows GUI mirrored this convention at least for the left and right arrows. Because the "base position" would be the KEYBOARD cursor position, and by design that is always on the bottom line in RGUI, the down arrow would probably only be used to deselect what had been previously selected. Selection with the up arrow key becomes meaningful as of version 1.9.0 now that there is a paste commands only available.