>>>>> On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:19:38 +0200,
>>>>> Wolfram Fischer (WF) wrote:
> I would propose to add an option ``family''
> to RweaveLatex() resp. RweaveLatexSetup()
> in order to be able to set the font family
> for postscript and pdf graphics:
> <<fig=TRUE, family=Palatino>> > ...
> @
Why is setting it via ps.options() not sufficient for you?
Friedrich Leisch
Institut f?r Statistik Tel: (+43 1) 58801 10715
Technische Universit?t Wien Fax: (+43 1) 58801 10798
Wiedner Hauptstra?e 8-10/1071 Friedrich.Leisch@ci.tuwien.ac.at
A-1040 Wien, Austria http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch