2003-May-13 14:12 UTC
[Rd] small bug in power.t.test for two-sided alternatives (PR#2993)
Full_Name: Mark Vangel Version: 1.7 OS: FreeBSD 4.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( power.t.test returns a value for whichever of the arguments n, delta, power is set to "NULL". If one sets the argument alternative='two.sided' (actually, this is the default), then the function takes the absolute value of delta. Unfortunately, before taking the abs value, there is apparently no check for whether delta is NULL, resulting in an error. For example, power.t.test(n=10,delta=NULL,power=.9,alternative='two.sided') Error in abs(delta) : non-numeric argument to function The arguments delta and alternative are set to their defaults in this example; omitting them results in the same error. Yhis is easy to fix by adding the appropriate check, but I thought that I might as well report it. Mark Vangel