On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Torsten Hothorn wrote:
> I need to determine the width of a string before plotting it to the
> current device because I want to adjust `mai' to have
> the necessary space available. It seems to me that this is an "hen and
> egg" problem:
`chicken and egg' is idiomatic.
> R> a <- "test"
> R> strwidth(a)
> Error in strwidth(a) : plot.new has not been called yet
> # ok, I need an open device
> R> plot(1:2, type="n")
> R> strwidth(a)
> [1] 0.04760034
> fine. But I can't continue to plot to the current device because I need
> reset `mai', so I need a second one ...
Ah, but you don't need a coordinate system:
> a <- "test"
> plot.new()
> par(mai=rep(30*strwidth(a), 4))
> plot(1:2)
Brian D. Ripley, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
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