>From the documentation to the quantile function:
`quantile(x,p)' as a function of `p' linearly interpolates the
points ( (i-1)/(n-1), ox[i] ), where `ox <- order(x)' (the ``order
statistics'') and `n <- length(x)'.
This gives `quantile(x, p) == (1-f)*ox[i] + f*ox[i+1]', where `r
<- 1 + (n-1)*p', `i <- floor(r)', `f <- r - i' and
`ox[n+1] : ox[n]'.
I think that should be ox <- x[ order(x) ] ! At least, then the formulae
give the same result as quantile itself!
RenE J.V. Bertin
College de France/LPPA
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris, France
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