U-E59264-Osman F Buyukisik <absd00t@c1186.ae.ge.com> writes:
> Sorry Peter, I don't know how I did it but somehow I managed to have
> directory with missing pearl files :-( Subsequent deletion/expansion
> confirmed that they are there! But "make" still fails with the
> /bin/sh: /home/absd00t/R-0.63/bin/build-help: Execute permission denied.
> /bin/sh: /home/absd00t/R-0.63/bin/build-help: Execute permission denied.
> /bin/sh: /home/absd00t/R-0.63/bin/build-help: Execute permission denied.
> /bin/sh: /home/absd00t/R-0.63/bin/build-help: Execute permission denied.
> /bin/sh: /home/absd00t/R-0.63/bin/build-help: Execute permission denied.
Hmmm. The INSTALL program is responsible for setting the modes. Are
you using an old config.cache? otherwise configure is probably getting
it wrong. Solaris has this stuff in Makeconf:
INSTALL = $(top_srcdir)/aux/install-sh -c
if you have something else, you might want to try enforcing the above.
That "make" continues past errors and still creates stamp-xxx is an
annoying, but well-known misfeature. Partly my fault for telling Kurt
to leave it alone in the period up to the release (but otherwise
things might have gone *really* wrong!).
I'll cc this to r-devel, in case there's another HP-UXer out there
who's been trying this. In particular, I have absolutely no bearing on
your .so/.sl problem below (unless that's also caused by INSTALL..).
> But more problems:
> R : Copyright 1998, The R Development Core Team
> Version 0.63.0 (November 14, 1998)
> > library()
> Packages in library `/home/absd00t/local/share/R/library':
> base The R base package
> eda Exploratory Data Analysis
> modreg Modern regression: smoothing and local methods
> mva Classical Multivariate Analysis
> stepfun Step Functions, including Empirical Distributions
> > library(eda)
> Error: dynamic library `eda' not found
> At the end of the R file "eda" is a line:
> library.dynam("eda.so")
> But hpux creates .sl files! So I have to edit the R files eda,
> mva. modreg has a different line :
> .First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) library.dynam("modreg", pkg,
> library(modreg)
> Error: dynamic library `modreg' not found
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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