>>>>> Detlef Steuer
<steuer@gigamain.Statistik.Uni-Dortmund.DE> writes:
Detlef> Hello! thank you for your efforts creating R!
Thank you for reporting the inaccuracy!
Please ``R-develer''s, keep these reports flowing..!
Detlef> While preparing the next lessons
(which lessons? -- I am curious)
Detlef> I found that I had to multiply
Detlef> with 1/length(x) by hand if I want to get the inverse
Detlef> Fouriertransform.
Detlef> The help states it will do it by itself.
Detlef> Seems to be pretty easy to correct either the fft or :-) the
Detlef> help(fft)!
I corrected the help(fft). It is now clear about NOT dividing and
gives an example showing how the inverse is got from ``inverse = TRUE''
The current behavior is the same as S,
and we do want this in these basic things.
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> <><
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