An update: I''ve thrown some super heavy optimization flags at gcc4, in
the hopes of accelerating the performance of the emulated devices.
My CFLAGS for my AthlonX2 look like this:
-march=athlon64 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse,387 -O3 -ffast-math -ftree-vectorize
-funroll-loops -fforce-addr -funswitch-loops -fivopts -ftree-loop-linear
-freorder-blocks-and-partition -finline-functions-called-once
-fexpensive-optimizations -fsched-spec-load -fsee
QEMU still appears to be working stable, but I sure noticed some heavy speed
improvements in screen drawing in a Windows guest that uses the VMware SVGA II
driver on QEMU''s VMware VGA device. Reference in question is the
application Quicken 2008, which likes to torture GDI and GDI+. I suppose, the
rest of the QEMU code improved, too.
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