i ''m try automatizando my nagios monitoring i''ve running
puppet with
puppetDB and postgres and this running ok. The problem that present in
this moment is the nagios structure in the server with generate puppet for
When I connect my node agent (puppet agent --test) and my nagios server
after run (puppet agent --test) generate the archives:
/etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg ---> (host definition)
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Fri Aug 30 17:06:55 -0400 2013
# HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it
# HEADER: is definitely not recommended.
define host {
use linux-server
host_name node5.example.com
alias node5
resource.d/host_node1.example.com.cfg (service monitoring)
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Fri Aug 30 17:06:54 -0400 2013
# HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it
# HEADER: is definitely not recommended.
define service {
## --PUPPET_NAME-- (called ''_naginator_name'' in the manifest)
use generic-service
service_description node1_check_users
host_name node1.example.com
check_command check_nrpe!check_users
But when the service nagios is restarted say error message
Error: Could not find any host matching ''node1.example.com''
(config file
''/etc/nagios/resource.d/host_node1.example.com.cfg'', starting
on line 4)
Error: Could not expand hostgroups and/or hosts specified in service
(config file
''/etc/nagios/resource.d/host_node5.example.com.cfg'', starting
on line 4)
And the "solution" is placed (manually) the host definition
"/etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg" within
. For example:
[root@nagios nagios]# cat resource.d/host_node5.example.com.cfg
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Fri Aug 30 17:06:54 -0400 2013
# HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it
# HEADER: is definitely not recommended.
define host {
use linux-server
host_name node5.example.com
alias node5
define service {
## --PUPPET_NAME-- (called ''_naginator_name'' in the manifest)
use generic-service
service_description node5_check_users
host_name node5.example.com
check_command check_nrpe!check_users
My export class is (node information) is:
class nagios::export {
@@nagios_host { $::fqdn:
ensure => present,
alias => $::hostname,
address => $::ipaddress,
use => "linux-server",
notify => Service["nagios"],
@@nagios_service { "check_users_${hostname}":
# check_command => "check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%",
check_command => "check_nrpe!check_users",
use => "generic-service",
host_name => "$fqdn",
service_description => "${hostname}_check_users",
target =>
¿How to make the definition is within the same resource? ¿is possible? or
¿What is the way to correct the problem?
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