lalit jangra
2013-Jan-09 09:54 UTC
[Puppet Users] Getting " ArgumentError: Invalid resource" Error?
Hi, I am trying to install puppet-alfresco module as @ I have updated site.pp at master node as below. #For alfresco module node ''domU-12-31-39-06-3E-24.compute-1.internal''{ include tomcat include postgres include alfresco } Now i am trying to install it on agent using "puppet agent -t -dv" but getting below errors info: Loading facts in /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib/facter/root_home.rb debug: catalog supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml dot pson raw yaml; using pson err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type tomcat::webapp at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/alfresco/manifests/init.pp:281 on node domu-12-31-39-06-3e-24 warning: Not using cache on failed catalog err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run debug: Value of ''preferred_serialization_format'' (pson) is invalid for report, using default (yaml) debug: report supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml raw yaml; using yaml Can anyone help as i assume it should work fine. Also i assume it is correct syntax wise. I am attaching init.pp for module where "tomcat::webapp " is defined. Regards. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
lalit jangra
2013-Jan-09 09:57 UTC
[Puppet Users] Re: Getting " ArgumentError: Invalid resource" Error?
Init.pp as below. # Class: alfresco # # This module manages alfresco # # Parameters: # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # # [Remember: No empty lines between comments and class definition] class alfresco( $user = "alfresco", $database_name = "alfresco", $database_driver = "org.postgresql.Driver", $database_driver_jar = "postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar", $database_driver_source = "puppet:///modules/alfresco/db/postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar", $database_url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/alfresco", $database_user = "alfresco", $database_pass = "alfresco", $number = 7, $version = "4.2.c", $build = "04576", $alfresco_host = $fqdn, $alfresco_protocol = "http", $alfresco_port = "8080", $alfresco_contextroot = "alfresco", $share_host = $fqdn, $share_protocol = "http", $share_port = "8080", $share_contextroot = "share", $webapp_base = "/srv", $memory = "1024m", $imagemagick_version = "6.5.6", $smtp_host = "localhost", $smtp_port = "25", $smtp_username= "anonymous", $smtp_password= '''', $smtp_encoding="UTF-8", $smtp_from_default="alfresco@${domain}", $smtp_auth="false", $mail_enabled="true", $mail_inbound_enabled="true", $mail_port="1025", $mail_domain=$domain, $mail_unknown_user="anonymous", $mail_allowed_senders=".*", $imap_enabled = "false", $imap_port = "1143", $imap_host = $fqdn, $authentication_chain="alfrescoNtlm1:alfrescoNtlm", $custom_settings=[] ) { # configuration $zip = "alfresco-community-${version}.zip" $download_url = "${build}/${zip}" $alfresco_dir = "${webapp_base}/${user}" $alfresco_home = "${alfresco_dir}/alfresco-home" $share_webapp_context = $share_contextroot ? { ''/'' => ''share'', '''' => ''share'', default => "${share_contextroot}" } $share_webapp_war = $share_contextroot ? { '''' => "share.war", ''/'' => "share.war", default => "${share_contextroot}.war" } $alfresco_webapp_context = $alfresco_contextroot ? { ''/'' => ''alfresco'', '''' => ''alfresco'', default => "${alfresco_contextroot}" } $alfresco_webapp_war = $alfresco_contextroot ? { '''' => "alfresco.war", ''/'' => "alfresco.war", default => "${alfresco_contextroot}.war" } # required packages if (!defined(Package[''unzip''])) { package { "unzip": ensure => present, } } #package { "python-software-properties": # ensure => present, #} #exec { "apt-update-swftools": # command => "/usr/bin/aptitude update", # refreshonly => true, #} exec { "yum-repository-swftools": command => "/usr/bin/yum install swftools", #notify => Exec["apt-update-swftools"], #require => Package["python-software-properties"], } exec { "yum-repository-imagemagick": command => "/usr/bin/yum install ImageMagick", #notify => Exec["apt-update-swftools"], #require => Package["python-software-properties"], } package { "ImageMagick": ensure => present, } package { "swftools": ensure => present, #require => Exec["apt-update-swftools"], } package { "libreoffice": ensure => present, } # download and extract alfresco file { $alfresco_home: ensure => directory, mode => 0755, owner => $user, group => $user, require => Tomcat::Webapp::User[$user], } exec { "download-alfresco": command => "/usr/bin/wget -O /tmp/${zip} ${download_url}", creates => "/tmp/${zip}", timeout => 1200, } file { "/tmp/${zip}": ensure => file, require => Exec["download-alfresco"], } exec { "extract-alfresco" : command => "/usr/bin/unzip ${zip} -d /tmp/alfresco-${version}", creates => "/tmp/alfresco-${version}/web-server/webapps/alfresco.war", require => [ File["/tmp/${zip}"], Package["unzip"] ], notify => [ Exec[''move-alfresco-war''], Exec[''move-share-war''] ], cwd => "/tmp", user => "root" } exec { "move-alfresco-war": command => "/bin/mv /tmp/alfresco-${version}/web-server/webapps/alfresco.war ${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/webapps/${alfresco_webapp_war}", refreshonly => true, user => "root", require => [ Exec["extract-alfresco"], Tomcat::Webapp::Tomcat[$user] ] } file { "alfresco-war": ensure => file, path => "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/webapps/${alfresco_webapp_war}", owner => $user, group => $user, mode => 0644, require => Exec["move-alfresco-war"], } exec { "move-share-war": command => "/bin/mv /tmp/alfresco-${version}/web-server/webapps/share.war ${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/webapps/${share_webapp_war}", refreshonly => true, user => "root", require => [ Exec["extract-alfresco"], Tomcat::Webapp::Tomcat[$user] ] } file { "share-war": ensure => file, path => "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/webapps/${share_webapp_war}", owner => $user, group => $user, mode => 0644, require => Exec["move-share-war"], } exec { "move-alfresco-licences": command => "/bin/mv /tmp/alfresco-${version}/licenses ${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/", creates => "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/licenses", require => [ Exec["extract-alfresco"], Tomcat::Webapp::Tomcat[$user] ] } # the database driver jar file { ''alfresco-db-driver'': path => "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/lib/${database_driver_jar}", source => $database_driver_source, ensure => file, owner => $user, group => $user, require => Tomcat::Webapp::Tomcat[$user], } # the configuration files file { "": path => "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/", content => template("alfresco/"), require => Tomcat::Webapp::Tomcat[$user], notify => Tomcat::Webapp::Service[$user], } file { "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco": ensure => directory, owner => $user, group => $user, mode => 0755, require => Tomcat::Webapp::Tomcat[$user], } file { "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension": ensure => directory, owner => $user, group => $user, mode => 0755, require => File["${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco"], notify => Tomcat::Webapp::Service[$user], } file { "share-config-custom.xml": path => "${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml", content => template("alfresco/share-config-custom.xml.erb"), require => File["${alfresco_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension"], } # the webapp tomcat::webapp { $user: username => $user, webapp_base => $webapp_base, number => $number, max_number_open_files => "8192", java_opts => "-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms${memory} -Xmx${memory} -Dalfresco.home=${alfresco_home}", description => "Alfresco ECM", service_require => [ File[''alfresco-war''], File[''share-war''], File[''alfresco-db-driver''], File[''''], File[''share-config-custom.xml''], File[$alfresco_home] ], require => Class["tomcat"], } } -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at