The $path_logs variable doesn''t hold the value you expect. You might
printing the variable with notice() or a notify resource.
On Jun 6, 2012, at 7:57 AM, "" <> wrote:
In my code, I have the following snippet:
file {
ensure => directory,
path => $path_conf,
require => File[''es_dir''];
ensure => directory,
path => $path_data,
require => File[''es_dir''];
ensure => directory,
path => $path_logs,
require => File[''es_dir''];
ensure => directory,
path => $path_plugins,
require => File[''es_dir''];
Each of these variables is defined elsewhere in scope.
The referenced es_dir is defined in this same class as the above snippet,
and is as follows:
file {''es_dir'':
ensure => link,
path => ''/opt/elasticsearch'',
target => "/opt/elasticsearch-${elastic_ver}",
require => Exec[''unpack_elasticsearch''],
When I run puppet (currently with --noop while I work out errors) it tells
me that "File paths must be fully qualified, not
''es_logs'' "
Based on the documentation I have seen (from puppetlabs and 3rd party
sites) the above code should work.
What is it that I am missing?
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