Unfortunately, you''ll need to rename your apacheWS folder to apachews.
On Thursday, May 10, 2012 4:09:58 PM UTC-7, Amit Shah
> puppet 2.6.4
> puppet --configprint modulepath
> /home/user/.puppet/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules
> I have the following file defined: /home/user/.puppet/modules/apacheWS/
> manifests
> #init.pp
> class apacheWS {
> case $operatingsystem{
> ubuntu:{ $apache="apache2"}
> }
> package {''apache'':
> name=>$apache,
> ensure=>installed,
> }
> file{ ''testfile'':
> path => ''/tmp/testfile'',
> ensure => present,
> mode => 0604,
> content => ''test file data'',
> #require=> Service[''apached''],
> }
> service{ ''apached'':
> name=>$apache,
> ensure=> running,
> enable=> true,
> }
> notify {''message'':
> message=>"I created a file",
> }
> >Notify[''message'']
> }
> When I try "puppet -apply -e "include apacheWS"
> puppet apply -e "include apacheWS"
> Could not find class apacheWS at line 1 on node ubuntu.localdomain
> user@ubuntu:~/.puppet/modules/apacheWS/manifests$
> WHY?! Why is something so simple so broken.
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