On Apr 9, 5:35 pm, Josh Baird <joshba...@gmail.com>
wrote:> Hi,
> I''m in the process of planning a new Puppet infrastructure and had
> question regarding the usage of environments. This Puppet
> implementation requires that there are "plans" applied to each
type of
> machine that it manages. I was thinking of managing each of these
> plans (ie, "app1-devwebserver", "app1-prodappserver",
etc) in separate
> environments that would contain modules that are specific to the type
> of machine that is required. In addition, each environment would have
> a "common" module search path which would contain common/base
> that were to be applied to every type of machine.
> While I can see this method working, I''m not sure that it is the
> efficient way to handle this. Can anyone offer some advice or
> suggestions on this design?
I think that setting up a separate environment for each machine type
or application is likely to be counterproductive. If different
machine types or different applications under your management are
supposed to work together and/or share common infrastructure, then
putting them in different environments is likely to cause more harm
than good.
> I was thinking of simplifying the design
> by not using app-specific environments and using more generic
> environments for "prod," "dev, "qa," etc, but I
think I lose from
> granularity by doing this.
Your division into environments would then be coarser grained, but
that''s only a small part of the picture. Even with everything in one
environment, Puppet allows you to manage at a per-machine level if you
so choose.
I think you anyway need to take a step back from buzzwords and look at
your actual requirements. That is, why are you concerned about
"los[ing] granularity" in the first place? Granularity is not an
objective in its own right.
Plan the system to meet your actual requirements, and make it more
capable / flexible / whatever than you actually need only if you can
do so with negligible cost and effort.
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