On 02/04/2011 09:23 PM, Dan Urist wrote:> From http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5620, it appears puppet
> now supports password_min_age and password_max_age parameters for the
> user resource, though these aren''t documented at
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/types/user.html (should I file a
> bug for this?)
The answer to this question is invariably "yes". :-)
Leave it to the devs to decide whether it''s worth their time and effort
or not. If you''re into git, they really dig patches or github pull
requests (I believe).
> Are these solaris-specific, or will they work elsewhere? I could use
> this functionality on Debian/Ubuntu). Are there other new params
> available?
passwd(1) in my Debian sid suggests that min and max ages are, in fact,
supported. I cannot comment on puppet''s own support in this
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