I believe Stefan''s answer is probably the correct one if you really
need/want the service still enabled (for perhaps puppetrun). Alternatively you
could disable the Puppet service altogether and utilize mCollective or otherwise
it initiate runs manually when needed. There is also a Puppet Commander plugin
for mCollective you may want to look at
A second route to this would be setting runinterval to a large enough amount of
seconds that it makes the runinterval essentially moot.
On Dec 21, 2010, at 9:00 AM, Stefan Schulte wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 01:50:00AM -0800, sanjiv.singh wrote:
>> hi all ,
>> i want to disable runinterval option on puppetd .
>> as i know , after every 1800 sec.( 30 mins) , puppet client pull
>> configuration from puppet master .
>> I want configuration to be pushed to puppet client
>> when i wwould fire puppetrun on puppet master rather than after
>> every 30 min , configuration pulled puppet client.
>> runinterval :How often puppetd applies the client configuration; in
>> seconds.
>> �· Default: 1800
>> how can I do this ?
>> where do i need to change in puppet configuration?
> I just ran pupet agent --help and this one looks pretty good to me
> no-client: Do not create a config client. This will cause the
> daemon to run without ever checking for its
> configuration automatically, and only makes sense
> when used in conjunction with --listen.
> Never tried it though.
> -Stefan
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