Hi Ken,
I have a module that will set the forwarding IPs in the
My init.pp file for the module is as follows
class snmp
file {
name => $operatingsystem ? {
CentOS => "/etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 644,
content => template("snmp/snmptrapd.conf.erb"),
}# file
# Make sure snmptrapd is runnning and restart
# it when snmptrapd.conf changes.
service {
subscribe => File["snmptrapd.conf"],
ensure => running,
restart => "/etc/init.d/snmptrapd restart",
}# service
}# snmp
My snmptrapd.conf.erb contains the following:
<% snmpForwardToIpList.each do |snmpForwardToIp| -%>
forward default <%= snmpForwardToIp %>
<% end -%>
I have an external data file that contains:
In my site.pp file I have the following
node default {
include snmp
If $host in testsnmp {
$snmpForwardToIpList = ["",""]
} else {
$snmpForwardToIpList = ["",""]
Now lets say I add a new entry to the external data file
and want the "newsnmptest" to take priority.
Given this change, I now have to update the conditional
in my site.pp file:
If $host in $newsnmptest {
$snmpForwardToIpList = ["",""]
} elsif $host in $testsnmp {
$snmpForwardToIpList = ["",""]
} else {
$snmpForwardToIpList = ["",""]
I am new to puppet. It seems like the situation I describe would be
something typical but I don''t think I am handling it very elegantly.
On Dec 18, 4:46 am, Ken Barber <k...@bob.sh>
wrote:> I''m not sure I follow? Perhaps an example of what you are trying
to achieve
> would help.
> ken.
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