On 15.05.2010 10:18, Michael Dodwell wrote:> Hey all,
> Just trying to get
> to work:
> I''ve managed to get everything except ssh::auth::client happening.
> just don''t understand why it isn''t working. It is just a
very simple
> call:
> <code>
> include ssh::auth
> ssh::auth::key { [ "user1@domain.com",
"user2@domain.com" ]: ensure =>
> present }
> class base_system {
> realize User["user1"]
> ssh::auth::client { "user1@domain.com": ensure => present
> realize User["user2"]
> ssh::auth::client { "user2@domain.com": ensure => present
> }
> node app1 {
> include base_system
> }
> </code>
> When running puppetd --test i get the following:
> err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find
> dependency File[/home/user1] for File[/home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa] at /etc/
> puppet/modules/ssh/manifests/auth.pp:262
I''m not sure about the usage of the recipe, but this requires you to
create the specified resource.
file { "/home/user1":
ensure => directory,
owner => user1,
group => user1,
Also reading a bit about the recipe note that:
* you *must *include ssh::auth::keymaster class on the puppetmaster
(that is where the keys are created)
* client means that the private key installed on that computer
* server means that the public key will be installed in authorized_keys
> I''ve tried to realize File[/home/user1] then i get a error about
> unable to realize virtual resource. I''m not really sure why
> realize on anything is required.
This http://docs.reductivelabs.com/guides/virtual_resources.html should
explain it.
Also read the Language guide and the advanced language guide if you
haven''t read them already. ;)
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