On Nov 9, 5:50 pm, Douglas Garstang <doug.garst...@gmail.com>
wrote:> So, I noticed that when adding a service to puppet, puppet is running
> a chkconfig <service>. However, as far as I can tell, puppet should
> running a chkconfig --add <service>, otherwise the symlinks
don''t get
> created from the service in /etc/rc.d/rc6.d back to the service in
> /etc/init.d. As as a result, the service is not stopped on shut down.
> I must be missing something here... Anyone?
"Adding a service to puppet" is a somewhat vague description. I guess
you mean adding a Service resource to your node''s configuration (as
opposed, for example, to adding a Package resource for a package
providing the service). Much then hinges on the Service properties
you specify, but I would not in any case expect Puppet to use
"chkconfig --add". That is the responsibility of the service
installer, and "adding a service to Puppet" in the way I guess you
mean is in no way synonymous with installing the service on the client
node. Even if you were talking about having Puppet ensure that the
service''s Package was installed, it would still be the native
package''s job, not Puppet''s, to set up the runlevel
I do not find it surprising that Puppet invokes "chkconfig
without other parameters, as this tells it whether the service is
configured to start in the current runlevel. That would be part of
Puppet''s process of surveying the current system state. Depending on
the result of that program and the value, if any, of the Service''s
"enable" property, I might expect Puppet later to use "chkconfig
level <lvl>] <service> <on|off>".
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