Jim Pirzyk wrote:> I''m trying to bootstrap puppet on an existing server I have. I
> quite a bit on custom facts in my setup. Is there a way that I can
> have the facts be required in a recipe, maybe like this:
> file { "/etc/foo.conf":
> ...
> content => template("foo.conf.erb"),
> require => [ Facter[mycustomfact], ... ]
> }
> The template foo.conf.erb needs the fact mycustomfact to create the
> file. Currently I''m getting the error:
> err: Could not retrieve catalog: Failed to parse template
> foo.conf.erb: Could nto find favlue for ''mycustomfact'' at
> /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/foo.pp on node oldserver.foo.com
> - JimP
> --- @(#) $Id: dot.signature,v 1.15 2007/12/27 15:06:13 pirzyk Exp $
> __o jim@pirzyk.org -------------------------------------------
> _''\<,_
> (*)/ (*) I''d rather be out biking.
Just wrap it up in an if statement.
if $customfact {
file { "/etc/foo.conf": content => template("foo.erb")
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