Joey Locke
2007-Dec-21 18:22 UTC
RPM-installed packages trying to install every run, causing service to fail
Hi guys, I''m doing some hackish stuff with manually installing RPMs. Basically I''m pulling them down to /tmp and installing them using provider => rpm, then making the service check that the package is installed before it''ll start. Here are the relevant sections of the pp file: class tomcat inherits httpd { $tomcat_connectors_pkg = $architecture ? { i386 => "tomcat-connectors-1.2.25-1.i386.rpm", x86_64 => "tomcat-connectors-1.2.25-1.x86_64.rpm" } $tomcat_native_pkg = $architecture ? { i386 => "tomcat-native-1.1.10-1.i386.rpm", x86_64 => "tomcat-native-1.1.10-1.x86_64.rpm", } file { "/tmp/$tomcat_connectors_pkg": source => "puppet://$tomcat_connectors_pkg", mode => 644, owner => root, group => root, before => Package["tomcat-connectors"] } file { "/tmp/$tomcat_native_pkg": source => "puppet://$tomcat_native_pkg", mode => 644, owner => root, group => root, before => Package["tomcat-native"] } package { $tomcat_connectors_pkg: ensure => installed, provider => rpm, source => "/tmp/$tomcat_connectors_pkg", alias => "tomcat-connectors", } package { $tomcat_native_pkg: ensure => installed, provider => rpm, source => "/tmp/$tomcat_native_pkg", alias => "tomcat-native", } service { tomcat: ensure => running, require => [ Package["tomcat-connectors"],Package["tomcat-native"] ] } I''m noticing that if the package is installed puppet will try to install it again and will fail because of a dependency error (because the package is installed). Therefore, starting the service fails. Here''s what I get with puppetd --verbose: notice: Starting configuration run err: //puppetclient/[tomcat-native-1.1.10-1.i386.rpm]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of ''/bin/rpm -i --oldpackage /tmp/tomcat-native-1.1.10-1.i386.rpm'' returned 256: package tomcat-native-1.1.10-1 is already installed err: //puppetclient/[tomcat-connectors-1.2.25-1.i386.rpm]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of ''/bin/rpm -i --oldpackage /tmp/tomcat-connectors-1.2.25-1.i386.rpm'' returned 256: package tomcat-connectors-1.2.25-1 is already installed err: //puppetclient/[modsecurity-apache2-2.1.4-1.i386.rpm]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of ''/bin/rpm -i --oldpackage /tmp/modsecurity-apache2-2.1.4-1.i386.rpm'' returned 256: package modsecurity-apache2-2.1.4-1 is already installed notice: //puppetclient/[tomcat]: Dependency package[tomcat-connectors-1.2.25-1.i386.rpm] has 1 failures notice: //puppetclient/[tomcat]: Dependency package[tomcat-native-1.1.10-1.i386.rpm] has 1 failures warning: //puppetclient/[tomcat]: Skipping because of failed dependencies I''m running puppet 0.23.2 on CentOS 5 (both server & client). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Joey -- Joey Locke, Unix Geek <> Local Matters, Denver, Colorado, USA, North America, Earth 303-572-1122 x297
Joey Locke
2007-Dec-21 19:58 UTC
Re: RPM-installed packages trying to install every run, causing service to fail - SUMMARY
As it turns out, I was calling a variable that was setting the package name to the name of the RPM: package { $tomcat_connectors_pkg: I changed it to the name RPM uses internally: package { tomcat-connectors: This worked and all is well. Thanks to lak on the #puppet channel for the solution to this. Joey -- Joey Locke, Unix Geek <> Local Matters, Denver, Colorado, USA, North America, Earth 303-572-1122 x297