hello all,
I solve the problem. It works file now.
On 5/28/07, Marco Sinhoreli <msinhore at gmail.com>
> Hello list,
> I'm new in this list. I have been worked in libvirt and virt-manager
> packages and I am getting some problems to set it up.
> Compiling libvirt and virt-manager from the source, using xen 3.0.3headers,
from Debian package, or Xen
> 3.1.0 headers, from the xen-srouce tarball, the libvirt and virt-manager
> work fine. For this reason, I beleave is possible create a package of it,
> but it isn't happening. The packages was created but not work
properly. If
> somebody wants help with it, can access my subversion repository at:
> svn co svn.mussicorp.net/projetos/src/xen
> Best regards,
> Marco Sinhoreli
Marco Sinhoreli
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