On 5/22/22 02:17, Ron Frederick wrote:> I?m trying to build a version of OpenSSH 9.0p1 with the GSSAPI patch at
https://sources.debian.org/patches/openssh/1:9.0p1-1/gssapi.patch/. The patch
applied just fine and I had no issues with the build or the tests (all of which
> That said, I think I?ve discovered a bug in the patch. I know that?s not
the responsibility of the OpenSSH maintainers, but I was hoping to get some help
from this list on a higher-level question about the right way to work with
sshbufs, as I haven?t had a lot of experience actually making changes to
> The issue occurs when the GSS client kex code receives a KEXGSS_HOSTKEY
message. There?s code to handle this message, but it runs into an issue where it
reports "ssh_packet_read: read: internal error: buffer is read-only?. When
I looked into this more closely, the issue is not actually that the sshbuf it is
using is read-only. It?s that the sshbuf has a refcount greater than 1 at the
time the code tries to reuse it. Here?s the code in question:
> struct sshbuf *server_host_key_blob = NULL;
> ...snip...
> /* If we've sent them data, they should reply
> do {
> type = ssh_packet_read(ssh);
> if (type == SSH2_MSG_KEXGSS_HOSTKEY) {
> debug("Received
> if (server_host_key_blob)
> fatal("Server host
key received more than once");
> if ((r = sshpkt_getb_froms(ssh,
&server_host_key_blob)) != 0)
> fatal("Failed to read
server host key: %s", ssh_err(r));
> }
> } while (type == SSH2_MSG_KEXGSS_HOSTKEY);
> ...snip...
> out:
> sshbuf_free(server_host_key_blob);
> I believe the problem here is that the call to sshpkt_getb_froms() is
returning an sshbuf in server_host_key_blob which is a reference to the string
being consumed from the packet being read, setting that original packet as its
parent. As a result, the ?ssh? buffer now has a refcount of 2, and when it
returns to the top of the do {...} while and tries to read another packet into
?ssh?, it gets the error about the sshbuf being ?read-only? (for good reason).
> There?s already code in place to free server_host_key_blob, so I think the
solution here is probably to make a copy of this blob into a new sshbuf rather
than getting a reference to the existing memory. However, I?m not sure what the
best function is to use in place of sshpkt_getb_froms() which will guarantee a
new allocation is performed. Anyone have a suggestion on this? The
sshbuf_get_stringb() seems close, but it doesn?t take into account that ?ssh?
needs to be accessed as a packet. I see various sshpkt_get_string functions, but
not specifically an sshpkt_get_stringb(). It wouldn?t be hard to add, but if
it?s not already present there?s probably a good reason for that. Is there a
better way to do this?
> As an aside, I?m guessing this refcounting capability was added after the
patch was originally written, and the patch was never updated to consider this
issue, meaning there might be other places in the patch where this occurs. Is
there anything I can read that might provide more information about which
functions began returning references rather than always making copies of
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
We track the gsskex patches in the following github repository:
I did not read into details about that, but believe I already saw this
issue and we were fixing it:
Unfortunately, the repository is not completely up to date, but both
Colin and Dmitry should be able to help you around here.
Jakub Jelen
Crypto Team, Security Engineering
Red Hat, Inc.