Some people have reported that login messages reported by sshd have
extra newlines. It looks like there are 2 causes of this:
a) some PAM modules like to return messages of "", which sshd
appends a newline to and stores for later display.
b) display_loginmsg appends a newline too (I think this dates back to
before PAM supplied its own newlines).
The attached (trivial) patch fixes this: it auth-pam will not append
newlines, and loginmsg is displayed as a literal string (so any newlines
needed must be supplied by whatever is appending to loginmsg).
Darren Tucker (dtucker at zip.com.au)
GPG key 8FF4FA69 / D9A3 86E9 7EEE AF4B B2D4 37C9 C982 80C7 8FF4 FA69
Good judgement comes with experience. Unfortunately, the experience
usually comes from bad judgement.
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Name: openssh-pam-no_extra_newlines.patch