I have a readline patch for file complation, commandline history, etc..
I've been waiting for commiting it until we sort outlibedit's readline
emulation in the OpenBSD tree.
http://www.eviladmin.org/openssh.php has a patch for it, but it is
targeted as OpenBSD (and may not apply cleaning since it has not been
updated for 3.5 release). But could easily made to compile.
- Ben
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Federico Petronio wrote:
> I am new to OpenSSH (I used SSH before). One thing that I miss from SSH
> is the "auto-complete". In the sftp from SSH you could complete
> using <TAB> just like in Bash, but OpenSSH sftp does not do that. Is
> there any plan to add that feature ? If not, could it be add ? ;-)
> Thanks...
> --
> Federico Petronio
> petronio at agro.uba.ar
> Linux User #129974
> ---
> Unix IS user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.
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