my file is >2GByte and the error message is scp: dump/oracle.dmp: Der Wert ist zu gro? f?r den definierten Datentyp wat is the problem ? THANKS -->>>Tech at Spree Software Technology GmbH ,.,., C 'c 'C > ' < Torsten Pregel Buelowstr. 66 """"" at D-10783 Berlin Tel.:++49/30/235 520-37 Fax.:++49/30/217 520-12 <<<
On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Torsten Pregel wrote:> my file is >2GByte and the error message is > scp: dump/oracle.dmp: Der Wert ist zu gro? f?r den definierten Datentyp > > wat is the problem ?What version of OpenSSH (client and server)? What OS? Can you translate the error message to english for me? -d