I'm in the process of installing OpenSSH-2.5.1p1 on a cluster of machines. One of the aspects of a previous (non-OpenSSH) version of ssh that I had been using was its ability to tolerate soft links to it. Thus, one could set up # ln -s /usr/bin/ssh /usr/local/bin/machine and thereafter type just 'machine' to connect to that host. This version of OpenSSH doesn't appear to accept that kind of set up. FWIW, a context diff(1) of the change I made to ssh.c is appended. -- Joseph *** ssh.old.c Mon Feb 19 05:51:08 2001 --- ssh.c Mon Apr 30 08:38:33 2001 *************** *** 498,505 **** } /* Check that we got a host name. */ if (!host) ! usage(); SSLeay_add_all_algorithms(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); --- 499,512 ---- } /* Check that we got a host name. */ + /* TJWL */ if (!host) ! { ! if ( strcmp(av[0], "ssh") == 0 ) ! usage(); ! else ! host = av[0]; ! } SSLeay_add_all_algorithms(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); -- T. Joseph W. Lazio, Ph.D. voice: +1 202 404 6329 Remote Sensing Division fax: +1 202 404 8894 Naval Research Lab, Code 7213 lazio at rsd.nrl.navy.mil Washington, DC 20375-5351 USA http://rsd-www.nrl.navy.mil/7213/lazio/