Hi there, I just wanted to say that OpenSSH now seems to work fine on Solaris (7)! Great work, guys! Anyway, you need to put some XAUTH_PATH stuff in Makefile.in so that the right xauth is found. In Solaris 2.x it is located in /usr/openwin/bin and not in /usr/X11R6/bin. The following patch fixes this in openssh-1.2.1pre25: root at trondheim:/div/openssh-1.2.1pre25# diff -c Makefile.in.old Makefile.in *** Makefile.in.old Tue Jan 11 12:13:24 2000 --- Makefile.in Tue Jan 11 12:13:42 2000 *************** *** 10,15 **** --- 10,16 ---- top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ VPATH=@srcdir@ + XAUTH_PATH=@xauth_path@ SSH_PROGRAM=@bindir@/ssh ASKPASS_LOCATION=@libexecdir@/ssh ASKPASS_PROGRAM=$(ASKPASS_LOCATION)/ssh-askpass I do not read this list, so please send any comments directly. Cheers. -- Anders Nordby ^ anders at fix.no ^ http://anders.fix.no/