I installed b132 on my machine to use xen and some other newer features. I was using xen originally to run software that i couldnt'' get working in Osol. Recently i was able to get my software to compile in a zone, so i decided to switch back to the default kernel. Because i have a later version of Osol, i only needed to enable the xen milestone. i Figured disabling this milestone would revert me back to normal, i have found this to not be the case. I tried creating a new boot enviorment and editing grub manually to make it boot with the original kernel but it is still not working. I had also set up a boot env originally called "RESCUE" which was my system right after install, this also refuses to boot. booting with the xen kernel still works though. I think this may be a bug but i am not sure...here is a pastebin of my grub.list http://pastebin.com/f7e190e80 only the xen kernels boot. All of those zfs filesystems exists and can be mounted. -- This message posted from opensolaris.org