my first try of using xen was in snv_130, now in snv_131 I see the same problem, so I desire to ask a question here. my timezone is utc+2, when working without xen localtime is Ok. but restarting system with xen (after svcadm enable xvm) cause system clock shifted by 2 hours back! after this simply restarting of ntp service shifts clock by 2 hours back again, and again, and again... :) the only one way to have correct system time is disabling of ntp service when running under xen. so, the question is: whether something should be configured by other way in ntp service for xen or this two services are incompatible? P.S.: other one small problem is amount of dom0 memory. even after setting hypervisor/dom0_mem to 4096 (svccfg -> xvm) and manually rewriting /rpool/boot/grub/menu.list with this parameter, after restarting system still have 2048 in menu.list :( -- This message posted from
Eugene Turkulevich wrote:> my first try of using xen was in snv_130, now in snv_131 I see the same problem, so I desire to ask a question here. > > my timezone is utc+2, when working without xen localtime is Ok. > but restarting system with xen (after svcadm enable xvm) cause system clock shifted by 2 hours back! > after this simply restarting of ntp service shifts clock by 2 hours back again, and again, and again... :) > the only one way to have correct system time is disabling of ntp service when running under xen. > so, the question is: whether something should be configured by other way in ntp service for xen or this two services are incompatible?This is the following bug.. 6908973 time jumping by 7 hours on my desktop running dom0 It''s being worked on..> P.S.: other one small problem is amount of dom0 memory. even after setting hypervisor/dom0_mem to 4096 (svccfg -> xvm) and manually rewriting /rpool/boot/grub/menu.list with this parameter, after restarting system still have 2048 in menu.list :(This is.. You want to do something like... svccfg -s milestone/xvm setprop hypervisor/dom0_mem = 4096 svcadm refresh milestone/xvm MRJ