I just installed Opensolaris 2009.6 on a machine that will be used as
a Xen dom0 server. I followed the steps in the manual (
) up to the point where the xvm/virtd and the xvm/domains are
enabled. At that point if I run svcadm with the recursive flag (-r) it
gives an error:
svcadm: svc:/system/filesystem/local depends on svc:/network/
physical, which has multiple instances.
To continue I chose to ignore this problem by enabling the required
services one by one instead of recursive. Once I want to enable xvm/
store it does not work. The log file /var/svc/log/system-xvm:
\store.default has the following error:
Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/xenstored start").
devfsadm: driver failed to attach domcaps
Method "start" exited with status 0.
Stopping because service disabled.
Executing stop method (:kill)
===Apparently devfsadm -i domcaps fails.... but why??
System info:
uname -a
SunOS host0 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
BTW, why does Method "start" exit with status 0 when it should be >
Does someone has an idea how I can resolve this problem?
Kind regards,
Anton Bossenbroek
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