Boris Derzhavets
2008-Feb-13 17:49 UTC
The instructions you need to set up bridging on a Fedora installation The instructions you need to set up bridging on a Fedora installation are at:- Basically what you wind up doing is disabling Xen bridging altogether and using your linux distribution''s networking scripts to set the bridge up reliably for your guests. The only reason not to use Xen''s native bridging is that it tries to be distro-agnostic and the result is predictably poor. Once you disable that (by the "/bin/true" change above) and set up the bridge as described, you should have no difficulty. Follow the link:- 2. Xen-like bridging Assuming you have one physical NIC on your host, and you want to bridge all the guests onto the physical network, you need to setup a bridge for that and enslave the physical NIC to it. We''ll call the bridge eth0 and the physical device peth0. Note that the bridge device eth0 is the one that receives an IP address. With that, you need to put two files into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts: the file ifcfg-peth0 should be DEVICE=peth0 ONBOOT=yes BRIDGE=eth0 HWADDR=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX and the file ifcfg-eth0 should be DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Bridge You also want to add an iptables rule that allows forwarding of packets on the bridged physical NIC (otherwise DHCP from your guests won''t work): # service iptables start # iptables -I FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged -j ACCEPT # service iptables save This message posted from
Boris Derzhavets
2008-Feb-14 15:32 UTC
Re: The instructions you need to set up bridging on a Fedora installation
No luck. However, i succeeded with straightforward install SNV81 DomU at F7 Dom0 (64 bit) attaching SNV DomU with DHCP option to libvirtd''s network. I''ve used standard installation profile and noticed that vif=['' ''] caused DHCP request to time out , vif = [''bridge = virbr0''] allowed DHCP request completed OK. Command "brtcl show" outputs were dependent on vif entry. In first case vif0.1 was attached to tmpbridge, in second case vif0.1 was attached to virbr0 and brought successfully through DomU installation procedure. This message posted from