The Ogg-Speex test file I used is CBR. I am sure of that by
running oggz-dump on the file and confirming that all audio packets have 38
bytes; that means (for narrowband) a constant 15 Kbps.
I wrote a very basic test program in Visual Studio 2010 that
demonstrates the strange behaviour I mentioned.
The output shows that the audio file has 8 pages, 6 of them have audio packets;
the output show the page sequential number, time offset and byte offset of each
Then after reading all of the file, for three times I request a
time seek. It can be seen in the output that the result of the seek is never
what was requested and is always the time offset of the end of some near page
but never the page that contains the time point requested in seek.
What could be going wrong ???
Thanks in advance,
// TestaOgg.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <exception>
#include <oggz/oggz.h>
int myReadPacketCallback (OGGZ* oggz, oggz_packet* packet, long serialno, void*
int myReadPageCallback (OGGZ* oggz, const ogg_page* og, long serialno, void*
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int ret;
oggz_off_t ofs;
pOGGZ = oggz_open("MyAudio.spx", OGGZ_READ | OGGZ_AUTO);
ret = oggz_set_read_callback (pOGGZ, -1, myReadPacketCallback, (void*)0);
ret = oggz_set_read_page (pOGGZ, -1, myReadPageCallback, (void*)0);
ofs = oggz_seek(pOGGZ, 0, SEEK_END);
printf("\n Audio file size in bytes = %8lld", ofs);
ofs = oggz_seek(pOGGZ, 0, SEEK_SET);
ret = oggz_read(pOGGZ, 28779);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
ogg_int64_t seektime = (i==0 ? 5000 : i==1 ? 10000 : 13000);
ogg_int64_t rseek = oggz_seek_units(pOGGZ, seektime, SEEK_SET);
ogg_int64_t tellseek = oggz_tell_units(pOGGZ);
printf("\n Requested seek time = %8lld, return of time seek function =
%8lld, return of time tell function = %8lld", seektime, rseek, tellseek);
return 0;
int myReadPageCallback (OGGZ* oggz, const ogg_page* og, long serialno, void*
ogg_int64_t bitstSerialNumber = og->header[14] + 256 * (og->header[15] +
256 * (og->header[16] + 256 * og->header[17]));
ogg_int64_t pageSeqNumber = og->header[18] + 256 * (og->header[19] +
256 * (og->header[20] + 256 * og->header[21]));
ogg_int64_t headerGranulePos = og->header[6] + 256 * (og->header[7] +
256 * (og->header[8] + 256 * (og->header[9] +
256 * (og->header[10] + 256 *
(og->header[11] + 256 * (og->header[12] ))))));
ogg_int64_t currTimeOffset = oggz_tell_units(oggz);
ogg_int64_t currByteOffset = oggz_tell(oggz);
printf("\n Page seq.number = %8lld, Time offset = %8lld, Byte offset =
%8lld, Bitstream serial no. = %8lld, GranulePos = %8lld",
pageSeqNumber, currTimeOffset, currByteOffset, bitstSerialNumber,
return 0;
int myReadPacketCallback (OGGZ* oggz, oggz_packet* packet, long serialno, void*
//nothing useful done here
return 0;
Audio file size in bytes = 27393
Page seq.number = 0, Time offset = 0, Byte offset = 0,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 0
Page seq.number = 1, Time offset = 0, Byte offset = 108,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 0
Page seq.number = 2, Time offset = 2155, Byte offset = 177,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 17240
Page seq.number = 3, Time offset = 4315, Byte offset = 4416,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 34520
Page seq.number = 4, Time offset = 6475, Byte offset = 8655,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 51800
Page seq.number = 5, Time offset = 8635, Byte offset = 12894,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 69080
Page seq.number = 6, Time offset = 10795, Byte offset = 17133,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 86360
Page seq.number = 7, Time offset = 12955, Byte offset = 21372,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 103640
Page seq.number = 8, Time offset = 13840, Byte offset = 25611,
Bitstream serial no. = 16850, GranulePos = 110720
Requested seek time = 5000, return of time seek function = 2155,
return of time tell function = 2155
Requested seek time = 10000, return of time seek function = 6475,
return of time tell function = 6475
Requested seek time = 13000, return of time seek function = -1,
return of time tell function = 10795
From: Milutin Jovanovi? [mailto:jovanovic.milutin at gmail.com]
Sent: quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012 11:04
To: jcabezas at inovax.com.br
Cc: ogg-dev at xiph.org
Subject: Re: [ogg-dev] Problems seeking with liboggz
I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like normal variable bitrate stream
behaviour. With variable bit rate, you cannot calculate exact byte address from
time reference. So, in general you estimate and get close to time reference
requested. Whenever you need precise pocision, you should use constant bit rate
or a byte offset (instead of time/milliseconds).
FYI, in my apps, I use time to show progres to the user, but when I save a
bookmark or pause, I record exact sample offset, and restart from there. So,
time for UI, samples/bytes for hidden/underlying code.
On 16 May 2012 18:52, Julio Cesar Esteves Cabezas < <mailto:jcabezas at
inovax.com.br> jcabezas at inovax.com.br> wrote:
I intend to use Ogg+Speex for voice recording/playback in a VoIP app.
I am experimenting with liboggz to get acquainted with its API.
As test files I am using some Ogg-Speex files converted from WAV files with
I wrote a little testing app in Visual Studio 2010 under Windows 7.
I defined OggzReadPage and OggzReadPacket callbacks with oggz_set_read_page()
and oggz_set_read_callback().
For the moment I am mainly having troubles with seeking. Maybe I am not using
correctly liboggz API.
What happens:
- I open a Ogg Speex-encoded audio file with oggz_open("MyFile.spx",
- I have a loop of invocations of oggz_read() that triggers in the due time
the page and packet callbacks defined by me.
- But when I randomly do seeking by means of
ogg_int64_t rseek = oggz_seek_units(pOGGZ, posMsecs, SEEK_SET);
I get erratic results:
Many times rseek does not match posMsecs.
The first page callback after the seek invocation refers to a page that is
sometimes previous and sometimes after the page that contains posMsecs.
What rules are to be followed for seeking with liboggz and what exact results
can be expected from it ?
Thanks in advance
Julio Cabezas
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