The issue is not the type of files, rather the mode the files are r/w.
OCFS (Release 1) is supported only for o_direct operations.
gzip, etc. do bufferred reads and hence is an issue.
Kenichiro Ochi wrote:
>Hi, Experts.
>I'm Kenichiro Ochi, the support engineer of Oracle Japan.
>I would like to ask you the following questions about supported files on
>I know OCFS VER 1.X only supports Oracle datafiles (including archive
>My customer has one question.
> - Is it supported that archive logfiles on OCFS are compressed
> (using compress, gzip command etc) ?
> In other words, is it allowed that there are compressed files(.Z, .zip
etc) on OCFS ?
>I would appreciate it if I could receive feedback on it
>at your earliest convenience.
>Since I'm not in the mailing list, please reply directly back to me.
>Thank you in advance.