Hello. I'm new to the list, but not new to NUT. I'm trying to make it work on Windows 10 64b as a slave to another server (which is working). In the past I had done this on Windows 2012 without troubles, but now I cannot seem to get it right. Is NUT expected to work on Windows 10? I installed the package, configured nut.conf with MODE=netclient and started the service. I can see nut.exe running, but no upsmon process (and server side I see no connection). Is there a way I can get some logs? I also tried starting upsmon.exe from command line, but it seems to be missing several DLLs: libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll (which is ..\bin), libeay32.dll (which is nowhere to be found) and ssleay32.dll (same as above). Is there some prerequisite to install? bye & Thanks av.