openSUSE 13.1 installed via zypper (zypper install nut-classic) nut 2.6.? I'm attempting to go through the installation and configuration process on a new system (openSUSE 13.1 in this case), so I'm following the web page docs, but I'm seeing discrepencies: 1) After installing from packages, the configuration sections says that the ups.conf file is in /usr/local/ups/etc/, but it's actually in /etc/ups. 2) The "Starting the driver" section says to start the driver at /usr/local/ups/sbin/upsdrvctl , but it's actually located at /usr/lib/ups/driver/ 3) Under Installation Instructions, under "State path creation", it says to create the directories and make them owned by the user you created. It shows "chown root:nut /var/state/ups", but shouldn't it be "chown ups:nut /var/state/ups" (I know any user/group can be used, but ups:nut is what the example had been using so far). Just thought I would mention them. If those paths are distro/package dependent, then that is ok, but it'd be nice of the docs said that. I know elsewhere they do (when talking about installing from source). Rob