Hello. I am running Slackware Linux 10.2 with kernel 2.4.31. My motherboard is Intel D845GERG2, processor Intel Pentium 4, 2 GHz. The UPS is "inform GUARD series, line interactive UPS". It comes with software for both windows and Linux. It is it the program and its documentation: Readme of UPSMON FOR LINUX upsmon PM1 PM2 PM3 1. upsmon has 3 parameters, PM1 PM2 and PM3 2. PM1: COMPORT => ttyS0 (COM1 of UNIX) or ttyS1 (COM2 of UNIX) It must include the path when you appoint the parameter PM1 (Ex: /dev/ttyS0) Please be noted that PM1 must be appointed. 3. PM2: It is for setting the breakout delay time default: 60 sec. If PM2 don?t be appointed, the breakout delay time will be 60 seconds. 4. PM3: It is for setting the UPS shutdown delay time default: 60 sec. If PM3 don?t be appointed, the UPS shutdown delay time will be 60 seconds. ./upsmon /dev/ttyS0 300 60 Note: The Caps is considered different with Low case in UNIX. Installation step must use root LOGIN: 5. Copy upsmon.tar to /etc directory. 6. use ?tar xvf upsmon.tar ? to install software. 7. It will be created a upsmon directory. 8. Change to upsmon directory. 9. Test UPSMON and comport: Use commend ./upsmon /dev/ttyS0 300 60 ( ?./upsmon? must be included when you use this commend) Means: ./upsmon COM1 300 seconds AC fail count and 60 seconds UPS shutdown delay. You will see UPS CONNECT OR NO CONNECT UPS in tty1 (ctrl_alt_F1) If it didn?t connect UPS, you can use the commend ?kill PID? to delete the process of UPSMON Then, use commend ./upsmon /dev/ttyS1 300 60 (?./upsmon? must be included when you use this commend) Means: ./upsmon COM2 300 seconds AC fail count and 60 seconds UPS shutdown delay. If it still doesn?t connect, please check the CABLE PC and UPS are all be connected correctly. 10. After the connection confirmed, please edit the system setup file rc.local under /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add the following commend to edit rc.local: /etc/upsmon/upsmon /dev/ttyS0 300 60 or /etc/upsmon/upsmon /dev/ttyS1 300 60 The system will execute upsmon after restart the computer. 11. You can see the situation of UPS if you use the commend ./upsdisp under directory /etc/upsmon (?./upsmon? must be included when you use this commend) 12. Use CTRL-C, you can exit UPSDISP. 13. The UPS Event Log file save to: /etc/upsmon/PCMYYMM.log. (PS.The YY is year and the MM is month.) I installed that programme, and it works. The problem is that it simply switches the UPS off, instead sending the normal shutdown command sequence to the system. That is why I want to try with your UPS software, but I have no idea which driver to use in the ups.conf files. I do not know what my UPS type is, in the terms of the documentation of the genericups driver. I tried all the 21 upstypes, but there was no positive result. I would be glad if you recommend some driver to me and provide me with detailed installation instructions. Tahnk you very much in advance. I am looking forward to your answer. Regards, Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://ide.li/ - ?????? ?? ????????? ?? ?????. ??????, ??????, ??????, ??????, ??????????.