This error message usually deals with a couple of situations:
1) Actual lack of permissions (POSIX bits in devfs) - usually solved by
`udev` or similar subsystem that handles hotplug HW for the OS. Or by
running the driver as root and not losing the privileges (user=root in
ups.conf) as a temporary fix and check that this is the case at all;
2) Someone else has hold of the device and libusb can't take it as
exclusively as NUT needs (lsof/fuser/... to check if any other programs
hold it - maybe another copy of your driver program in debugger etc).
Happy Thanksgiving,
On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 4:37?AM William R. Elliot <bill at>
> Hello again.
> The USB device table in the driver I am working on has two entries for the
> particular vendor ID I am working with, one for each of two product
> IDs...0x0001 and 0x0002. The driver properly matches and can open the
> device with the 0x0002 product ID. However, running the same driver with
> the 0x0001 ups attached matches but fails to open.
> This is the relevent output following a successful match and trying to
> open the device:
> 0.002511 [D2] Checking device 2 of 5 (1234/0001)
> 0.002564 [D1] Failed to open device (1234/0001), skipping: Access
> denied (insufficient permissions)
> My expectation would be that either device, once matched, would be able to
> be opened and then further steps can be taken to confirm that the driver is
> communicating with an expected device.
> I would appreciate any pointers toward something I may have missed.
> Thank you,
> Bill
> Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S. folks!
> <#m_-6725320979215136950_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
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