I don't know what i'm doing wrong but it seams that is not working,
I tried to put and remove id but it's not fonctioning,
pollinterval = 1
maxretry = 3
??????? driver = huawei-ups2000
??????? port auto
??????? vendorid = "04e2"
??????? productid = "1410"
Then i use this commands for rebooting the drivers
/tmp# sudo service nut-server restart
/tmp# sudo service nut-client restart
/tmp# sudo systemctl restart nut-monitor
/tmp# sudo upsdrvctl stop
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.8.0-2454-g91b3ee057
Can't open /var/state/ups/huawei-ups2000-ups1kva.pid either: No such
file or directory
/tmp# sudo upsdrvctl start
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.8.0-2454-g91b3ee057
Can't start /usr/bin/huawei-ups2000: No such file or directory
On my "/tmp/nut/drivers/" i have :
And in my "ls /lib/nut/" I haven't huawey-ups2000
"APC" became "schneider" i don't know this is relevant
or not.
What are you sugesting i do next ?
If you want we can call each others, via discord maybe ?
Le 16/09/2023 ? 17:00, Jim Klimov a ?crit?:> Hi, sounds like we're making progress here :)
> ? Well, if you've tried *all* of those commands, it should have made a
> build workspace under /tmp/nut where it has a current NUT codebase build.
> ? That should include a `/tmp/nut/drivers/huawei-ups2000` binary right
> there (assuming you also did follow the link to
> https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/blob/master/docs/config-prereqs.txt
> and installed the `libmodbus-dev` or equivalent for your OS
> distribution, among other prerequisites). This one should suffice to
> try testing if your device is supported by that driver.
> ? The contents of `/lib/nut` are relevant if you've also followed up
> with `sudo make install` noted at the end of the doc, to replace your
> packaged NUT installation. Perhaps even then, it might not auto-detect
> the custom paths to drivers like these and would just place the new
> ones into /usr/bin or some such.
> ? All that said however, if the UPS you are looking at is still the
> APC mentioned earlier, I have doubts if the huawei driver would handle
> it (might... maybe they are an OEM for rebranding now?..) or if that
> device just happens to use the same USB interface chip as some of
> those Huawei's did - and perhaps without changing the IDs to APC's
> (which seems strange, they have an assigned ID), but talks a different
> protocol using such chip.
> On Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 10:09?AM FatGear via Nut-upsdev
> <nut-upsdev at alioth-lists.debian.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried all commands on
> but i don't know what i'm supposed to do next, it seams to
> download some
> things on my /tmp/nut/ but i don't know what is it.
> My kernel is Linux 5.4.0-162-generic x86_64 and i don't have
> huawei-ups2000 driver.
> I have "/lib/nut$ ls
> al175???????? blazer_usb??? metasys????????? riello_ser
> apcsmart????? clone???????? mge-shut???????? riello_usb
> apcsmart-old? clone-outlet? mge-utalk??????? safenet
> apcupsd-ups?? dummy-ups???? microdowell????? solis
> bcmxcp??????? etapro??????? nutdrv_atcl_usb? tripplite
> bcmxcp_usb??? everups?????? nutdrv_qx??????? tripplitesu
> belkin??????? gamatronic??? oldmge-shut????? tripplite_usb
> belkinunv???? genericups??? oneac??????????? upscode2
> bestfcom????? isbmex??????? optiups????????? upsd
> bestfortress? ivtscd??????? powercom???????? upsmon
> bestuferrups? liebert?????? powerpanel?????? usbhid-ups
> bestups?????? liebert-esp2? rhino??????????? victronups
> blazer_ser??? masterguard?? richcomm_usb
> "
> My lsusb is showing "Bus 001 Device 008: ID 04e2:1410 Exar Corp.
> XR21V1410 USB-UART IC"
> And i don't know what to do next.
> Fatgear
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