Hi, I wrote a small utility to stay in Windows tray and indicate NUT UPS device status and some properties. The tray icon shows UPS battery status (from green for 100% to red for 0% and red-crossed for unconnected state). The tooltip shows UPS manufacturer and model names, date of production, UPS status, battery status and voltage, time left when running on batteries. Archive containing compiled ready-to-run EXE file and sources: dropbox.com/s/rrxvm45gvuhp7xy/UpsTray.rar Command-line usage: UpsTray [ups_name@][nut_server][:port] ups_name - Name of UPS device on NUT server [default: ups] nut_server - DNS name or IP address of NUT server [default: localhost] port - NUT port on server [default: 3493] To use command line parameters in Windows Explorer, user is needed to create a shortcut to UpsTray and set the parameters after program path. Examples: UpsTray.exe Equivalent to: UpsTray ups at localhost:3493 UPS name: ups server: local Windows machine port: 3493 (default) UpsTray.exe my_nut_server Equivalent to: UpsTray ups at my_nut_server:3493 UPS name: ups server: my_nut_server port: 3493 (default) UpsTray.exe my_ups at Equivalent to: UpsTray my_ups at UPS name: my_ups server: port: 3493 (default) UpsTray.exe my_ups at my_nut_server:1234 Equivalent to: UpsTray my_ups at my_nut_server:1234 UPS name: my_ups server: my_nut_server port: 1234 The tool is written as compiled AutoIt script (autoitscript.com/site/autoit). The code is based on WinNUT client source (sourceforge.net/projects/winnutclient). Now it was tested on two client machines and one Synology linux server only. Maybe this will help somebody for simple NUT Ups monitoring. Regards, Ilya ded -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press RESET to continue...