I'm out of town at the moment but I promise to give CentOS 7 feedback as
soon as I am back. Unfortunately where I am at right now, ssh doesn't
work - I can log into my servers (custom high port) but connection gets
dropped with 5 seconds, really frustrating.
I am currently running 1 master and 2 slaves on CentOS 7 using a rebuild
of the Fedora 3.x src.rpm
Creating a custom build of NSD 4 is something I have been toying with,
I'm pretty good with RPM, but I much prefer EPEL packages for the
obvious maintenance issues, it just makes it easier.
I should be back home on Thursday.
Thank you for doing this, this is very important to a new service I'm
starting (providing DNSSEC DNS services to small business via web
interface where they don't have to worry about key rollovers etc.)
On 05/22/2015 06:53 AM, Paul Wouters wrote:> On Fri, 22 May 2015, Samuel Kling wrote:
>> I had the exact same question about why we could only find old
>> releases of NSD in EPEL. Currently :
>> - NSD 3.2.18 in EPEL6
>> - No NSD package in EPEL7
> The epel7 branch has been requested, but I focused first on nsd in
> EPEL6 since most people running production servers (myself included)
> do so on RHEL6. I've gotten some feedback now, although I'm still
> a little uneasy at not having had reports of success on nsd3 -> nsd4
> updates with the package.
> Note that this is sort of against the guidelines of epel (which is not
> supposed to be newer than fedora). But I really wanted to focus on the
> nsd major revision migration before also throwing in the systemd
> changes. I'll push out the fedora update this weekend, but note that
> I do not know anyone actually running nsd seriously on fedora.
> I'll incorporate the changes from the feedback received over the last
> few days this weekend. I would still like to get more feedback on the
> nsd3 -> nsd4 upgrade with this new package for EPEL6. I've only
> this on my own server so far.
> Paul
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