hukl <hukl <at>> writes:> at Euruko 2010 I saw a presentation where Florian Hanke presented parts
> of a unicorn config which killed workers once they''ve used up too
> memory.
> The snipped looks like this:
> RackResponder = lambda do |env|
> possibly_commit_harakiri ...
> end
> # Commit Harakiri/Seppuku, kill yourself. #
> def possibly_commit_harakiri
> return unless commit_harakiri?
> Process.kill ?KILL?,
> end
> Now I couldn''t find anything about that RackResponder part on the
> and was hoping that Florian himself or somebody else on the list could
> clue me in how that works.
Hi John
I thought I''d answer your question here too (not just on Github) for
others to see. Perhaps someone else has similar questions.
Sure. Using the RackResponder constant was just my way of naming the
application. It could be any old lambda.
I didn''t want the GC to run and slow down any queries (in the search
engine). The way the whole thing works is this:
1. The forked Unicorn child switches off the GC just after forking.
after_fork do |_, _|
2. On each request, the child takes a look at how many requests
it has already answered (or how much memory it uses, or any metric). If a
threshold has been passed, it will honorably kill itself, by sending
itself the QUIT signal. It will then finish responding the request and die.
A Rack middleware for the request counting metric can be found here:
3. The Unicorn master process notices that a child has gone and
forks a new one.
4. The OS ? rather than the GC ? cleans up the memory mess left
by the dead child ;)
> Also I''d like to know if there is a way to get the current memory
> footprint of a worker other than something like:
> %x(ps -o rss= -p #{}).to_i
On Linux, the /proc folder holds a lot of information on the currently
running processes.
One can for example use
cat /proc/some_proc_id/statm
to get Memory information.
Cheers and have fun,