James Mead
2007-Oct-15 12:02 UTC
[mocha-developer] Fwd: Content filtered message notification
I''m not sure why mailman bounced your message (perhaps because you are not subscribed to the mailing list), but I''m glad you have solved your problem. Cheers, James. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: mailman-bounces at rubyforge.org <mailman-bounces at rubyforge.org> Date: 14 Oct 2007 17:21 Subject: Content filtered message notification To: mocha-developer-owner at rubyforge.org The attached message matched the mocha-developer mailing list''s content filtering rules and was prevented from being forwarded on to the list membership. You are receiving the only remaining copy of the discarded message. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Christophe <anaema_ml at yahoo.fr> To: mocha-developer at rubyforge.org Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 18:15:09 +0200 Subject: Re: [mocha-developer] Stubbing a module method le 03/10/2007 10:40, James Mead nous a dit: On 27/09/2007, Christophe <anaema_ml at yahoo.fr> <anaema_ml at yahoo.fr> wrote: Hi, I''m trying to stub the login_required() method of the acts_as_authenticated plugin in an RoR integration test. This method is defined in the AuthenticatedSystem module, in the lib/authenticated_system.rb What happen is that the stub have no effect and the real method is still executed. Here is the code. Any idea ? Thank you require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../test_helper" class CheckStopsiteTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest fixtures :users def test_closed_site AuthenticatedSystem.stubs(:login_required).returns(true) get ''/admin/maintenance/stop_site'' assert_response :success get ''/fr/site'' assert_redirected_to :controller => ''site'', :action => ''closed_site'' end end Sorry not to reply sooner - I''ve been away on holiday. It''s a while since I looked at acts_as_authenticated, but I suspect the problem is that the login_required method is a module *instance* method and not a module method. This means you need to stub the method on the instance into which it has been mixed - probably the controller in this case. The difference between stubbing a module method and a module instance method is probably best explained by a couple of quick examples - see http://pastie.caboo.se/103234. In your test, I suspect you need to do something like... def test_closed_site @controller.stubs(:login_required).returns(true) get ''/admin/maintenance/stop_site'' assert_response :success get ''/fr/site'' assert_redirected_to :controller => ''site'', :action => ''closed_site'' end I hope that solves your problem. Let me know if not. One last thought - are you sure it makes sense to stub within an "integration" test? Thank you for your answer James (I missed it in the mailing list, so I only reply now). You''re right, I should have no need to stub this method within an integration test ! But I had few problems with the login process and (because I''m lazy) I tought it would be easier to stub the login_required method. Yes it''s make more sense to stub the controller''s method, but unfortunately under an integration test you get a controller instance AFTER the first request (the @controller does not exist as in functionnal tests), so stubbing can''t work here. But today, I''ve rewritten the integration test and I no more need to stubs the login method, I followed the right path ;-) Regards Christophe Gimenez -- James. http://blog.floehopper.org http://tumble.floehopper.org
Maybe Matching Threads
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