On Jul 27, 2007, at 3:35 PM, Matt Aimonetti wrote:
> Ezra,
> I''m sure you are really busy and can''t spend too much
working on
> Merb. Please let us know how we can help you.
> If the plugin architecture is stable, would you be interested in
> some of us porting few rails plugins over (such as attachment_fu) ?
> Or is there anything else we could do during our free hacking time?
> Thanks,
> -Matt
Hey Matt-
I have been super busy that last few weeks. But I am giving a talk
on merb at the ruby hoedown in a few weeks and really want to push
out a 0.4 release by then.
The things outstanding for 0.4 release are:
* test harness in new generated merb apps with helpers for testing
merb without starting a server.
* more docs
* work on mrblog so I can launch it on merbivore.com
* always nice to get more specs for core framework.
* better app initialization code
* pin down plugin arch
I''m hoping to knock out some of these things this weekend. But if
anyone wants to help work on these things I welcome it.
ALso look at the trac for [Help Wanted] tickets, there are a few in
place looking for someone to send patches ;)
-- Ezra Zygmuntowicz
-- Founder & Ruby Hacker
-- ez at engineyard.com
-- Engine Yard, Serious Rails Hosting
-- (866) 518-YARD (9273)