Gerald Bauer
2016-Apr-19 01:13 UTC
Markdown Tools Directory - Open Source Plain Text to HTML n LaTeX Converter Tools n Libraries - Add More Tools!
Hello, I've put together a new directory listing markdown tools [1] for converting plain text to html n latex. The directory is powered by simple datafile in yaml in the public domain e.g. tools.yml: - title: pandoc author: John MacFarlane et al formats: [html,latex] github: jgm/pandoc web: language: haskell ... So far markdown converters (sorted by github stars) include: - marked - pandoc - parsedown - php markdown - python markdown - kramdown - etc. Anything missing? Additions welcome [2]. Cheers. [1] [2]
Gerald Bauer
2016-Apr-19 16:49 UTC
Markdown Tools Directory - Open Source Plain Text to HTML n LaTeX Converter Tools n Libraries - Add More Tools!
Hello, Thanks to Aslak Raanes for adding Mistune, Libsoldout, Blackfriday & Python-Markdown to the Markdown Tools list [1]. I've also added a one-liner description from the github project sites. Anything missing? Additions welcome [2]. Cheers. PS: By the way - love the names e.g. Sold Out! or Black Friday - when I search for markdown usually half the results are about markdown madness (that is, buy now - cheap prices, etc.) or fund manager marking down their investments ;-) Anyways, looks like I'm just talking to myself on this markdown list. [1] [2]