For this use case, you don't have to install anything. For convenience, you
can use an online editor, like to help you edit your
document, then copy the Markdown text and paste it in a Gist.
Marios Zindilis
On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Alan Hogan <contact at>
> The thing is, if you have been asked to submit a document in markdown
> format, you don?t need any software at all, at least not beyond your
> favorite text editor (or Github's website itself). Just use .md instead
> .txt as the file extension. Markdown the software takes a
> Markdown-formatted document and outputs an HTML document. At that point,
> you would no longer be submitting a Markdown doc.
> And yes, is a command line tool. You are expected to invoke
> it from the shell.
> Alan
> On Feb 25, 2016, at 6:57 AM, Erika Knollenberg via Markdown-Discuss <
> markdown-discuss at> wrote:
> I have been assigned to submit a resume for an application to a school
> using Markdown. They gave me this link:
> with the following
> instructions: "Your resume, written in Markdown
> <> and submitted as a
> Gist <>." I've visted the link and
> Markdown. When it didn't have a way to "install" like typical
software, I
> revisited the site and I downloaded Perl 5.22.00. I've also downloaded
> ( Now there is a little
> blue icon in the Markdown folder, but all it opens is a black box. It
> doesn't open something that should look like this (
> I've watched a couple of
> tutorials on how to use it and it's fairly simple. I understand all the
> 'coding' I need to use. The problem is figuring out how to install
> software. I'm not an IT person. I'm good at using programs, not
fixing them
> or understanding things out-of-the-ordinary computer installations. Can
> someone please give me some direction (using layman's terms) to get
this up
> and moving? Thank you very much for your help. I am using a Windows 7
> computer.
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Marios Zindilis
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